Aus dem griechischen Untergrund stieg die satanische Black-Metal-Horde Enshadowed vor nun 10 Jahren empor.
Während des langen bestehens wurden so einige Tonträger veröffentlicht, die ihnen auch außerhalb ihres Heimatlandes große Beliebtheit brachte.
Vor kurzem hatte ich die Gelegenheit mit dem Gitarristen, welcher gleichzeitig einer der Bandgründer ist, ein detailiertes Interview über die Bandgeschichte und die Zukunftspläne der griechischen Dämonen zu führen...
Hails N.e.c.r.o!
I’m pleased to greet you to this interview, it took a long time to get to it, because I had other stuff to do, but now the time came to present Enshadowed primarily to the Austrian readers.
Hails! It’s an honor to talk with you! Enshadowed is an active black/death metal band the last 10 years. It’s easy to understand that we don’t follow the sound of Greek black metal scene and this is important for us.
1) Let’s start with the biography…
Who from you formed Enshadowed and how did the band develop from your point of view?
Enshadowed was born in 1998. In the first years we released 1 promo and 3 demos. The original line up was performed from Impaler, my blood brother Lord Acheron and me. The members changed many times in these 10 years. I was the only member who remains. I never think to stop the activity of the band. So, at 2002 we released our debut “Messengers of the Darkest Dawn” and after one year the “Intensity” full length album. The line up changed again and Impaler is back! The next step was to release some underground tapes and give some live shows. Finally, before 1 year we are back with the “6.6.6” split and “The Art ov Blasphemies” split EP with Mantak (Malaysia).
2) Your last release lasts back for 1 year... When will be your next record released and what will it be? A full-length album, another split or a single?
As I told you, before one year we release a split full length album with the American cult black metal band Thornspawn. Entitled “6 black candles, 6 rotting hearts, 6 sacrifices for Satan”. 10 tracks - 5 tracks each band. It was released by Zyklon-B Productions in Cd and Digi Cd version. I hope soon to have the vinyl version in my hands. This period we are in studio for recordings. The next release it will a split release with the bands of “SECTA NOVA”. After this, we plan a split 7” inch vinyl release with Vulturine from Brazil.
Will there be any stylistic differences?
You must listen to understand. In every new release we change things in our sound. We try to be more extreme in many ways.
3) You seem to like Death Metal privately.. Maybe more than Black Metal?
What does it go about in music from your opinion?
Während des langen bestehens wurden so einige Tonträger veröffentlicht, die ihnen auch außerhalb ihres Heimatlandes große Beliebtheit brachte.
Vor kurzem hatte ich die Gelegenheit mit dem Gitarristen, welcher gleichzeitig einer der Bandgründer ist, ein detailiertes Interview über die Bandgeschichte und die Zukunftspläne der griechischen Dämonen zu führen...
Hails N.e.c.r.o!
I’m pleased to greet you to this interview, it took a long time to get to it, because I had other stuff to do, but now the time came to present Enshadowed primarily to the Austrian readers.
Hails! It’s an honor to talk with you! Enshadowed is an active black/death metal band the last 10 years. It’s easy to understand that we don’t follow the sound of Greek black metal scene and this is important for us.
1) Let’s start with the biography…
Who from you formed Enshadowed and how did the band develop from your point of view?
Enshadowed was born in 1998. In the first years we released 1 promo and 3 demos. The original line up was performed from Impaler, my blood brother Lord Acheron and me. The members changed many times in these 10 years. I was the only member who remains. I never think to stop the activity of the band. So, at 2002 we released our debut “Messengers of the Darkest Dawn” and after one year the “Intensity” full length album. The line up changed again and Impaler is back! The next step was to release some underground tapes and give some live shows. Finally, before 1 year we are back with the “6.6.6” split and “The Art ov Blasphemies” split EP with Mantak (Malaysia).
2) Your last release lasts back for 1 year... When will be your next record released and what will it be? A full-length album, another split or a single?
As I told you, before one year we release a split full length album with the American cult black metal band Thornspawn. Entitled “6 black candles, 6 rotting hearts, 6 sacrifices for Satan”. 10 tracks - 5 tracks each band. It was released by Zyklon-B Productions in Cd and Digi Cd version. I hope soon to have the vinyl version in my hands. This period we are in studio for recordings. The next release it will a split release with the bands of “SECTA NOVA”. After this, we plan a split 7” inch vinyl release with Vulturine from Brazil.
Will there be any stylistic differences?
You must listen to understand. In every new release we change things in our sound. We try to be more extreme in many ways.
3) You seem to like Death Metal privately.. Maybe more than Black Metal?
What does it go about in music from your opinion?
Hmm… yes! But Enshadowed has Black Metal ideology. The sound of the band is a mix of Black and Death metal. Some times more close to black and sometimes to death.
4) Did your musically interests develop during the band-history or do you like the same bands you listened to your founding-phase?
Look, I am a musician; I don’t feel just only a “Black metal guitarist”. So, I see the things from a different point of view than a classic fan of Black metalhead. I listen to many different bands and many kinds of music. But this is just a personal enjoyment and nothing that can change anything in the band.
5) You seem to have a strong brachial kind of playing… Which bands would you say inspired your music?
5) You seem to have a strong brachial kind of playing… Which bands would you say inspired your music?
We spend many time before creating each new song, it’s a kind of ritual for me. Well my favorite bands are Slayer and Morbid Angel but I can’t say that we have influences from these amazing bands. Just only the same diabolical spirit… Maybe you can say that we are in the same satanic circle with bands like Behemoth, Cadaver, Aeternus etc…
6) What do you think about Satanism? I would say that Enshadowed is a pretty blaspheme and misanthropic Black Metal band. Would you call yourself a Satanist, or do you have nothing in common with this body of thought?
If you believe that Satan is the symbol behind the free spirit of human and the open minds, then yeah I am a Satanist. I believe in nothing, I believe that only flesh and death are real, I believe in myself and that’s enough. I accept the existence of chaotic energy of nature but I don’t explain this with the existence of God or Satan as the Christians do.
7) Beneath enshadowed, you also play in other bands, for example Burial Hordes. Have you ever thought about leaving a side-band to concentrate more on your main-band?
7) Beneath enshadowed, you also play in other bands, for example Burial Hordes. Have you ever thought about leaving a side-band to concentrate more on your main-band?
Yeah, I create Burial Hordes before 6 years. It’s main band too. In same periods of my life I have the inspiration to create music for more than one style. So, this is the reason that I am the music maker behind Merciless Crucifixion and Vomit Church and Burial Hordes too…
8) Have there be any critical band internal conflicts, or do you get well on with each other?
We are humans and humans are shit! So, it’s normal to don’t agree in everything! The important is to find the best solution for every problem.
9) Do you play many gigs in your homeland?
We played many times with bands like Impaled Nazarene, Dark Funeral and many more. Now, we gonna give a live holocaust with Belphegor at the end of December.
10) What do you think about the Greek metal-scene? Do you think that NS- Black Metal in Greece is really that dominant, like it looks for outstanding people? What is your opinion to that development?
Hellenic scene has many bands in every kind of metal music but sure a big number with black metal bands. 99% of the black metal bands are shits. Childs who try to prove that can be extreme without real spirit and knowledge of how to create music. Greek Death metal scene is better. Inveracity, Vulnus & Sickening Horror are great examples! NS? What is this? Sorry, I don’t care about human weakness …
11) How does it look like with the reputation and degree of popularity of your band in Greece? Are your concerts well-visited and does the audience make some action at your gigs?
Well, Greek fans are strange. But, I can say that the biggest number of fans knows us and likes our horde.
12) Do you also travel to other countries? Do you also played outside of Europe (beyond Europe) or do you ever thought about that?
Before some years we played at Sophia of Bulgaria. We are interested to give live shows worldwide but it isn’t the most important thing for us. To play out of our country needs much money to spend. Some bands here spend a little time to create music and spend much time in fucking “MySpace” to suck “friends” and promoters. The stupid thing is that the metalheads approve the bad music as “cult” and accept the popularity which a shit band can create from internet.
13) Did you ever play in Austria? If not, I’m pretty sure, some of the Austrian black metalers would really enjoy your blaspheme sound.
This is fantastic! I hope to play one day in your land and bring a real holocaust!
14) What exactly are the reasons from your point of view that you make music/What are the reasons for the existence of enshadowed/what do you want to express with enshadowed?
Enshadowed is all my life. I don’t believe that is an extreme metal band only. The band one day will stop but the spirit of this energy will stay after death in this fucking planet.
15) Are you happy with your Image?
You talk about corpse paint? Well, corpse paint is not necessary to play black metal. We choose it to be a part of our image because it’s a good way to show the inside part of our personalities… The bad thing is that nowadays many bands make this theatric art to be ridiculous. I am happy that we aren’t one of them.
You talk about corpse paint? Well, corpse paint is not necessary to play black metal. We choose it to be a part of our image because it’s a good way to show the inside part of our personalities… The bad thing is that nowadays many bands make this theatric art to be ridiculous. I am happy that we aren’t one of them.
Thank you very much for the interview! It was a pleasure to speak with you; hopefully some Austrian readers get into the taste of your brutal music now! Will the destinations of Enshadowed no longer be unreachable!
Thank you for this interesting interview! Listen and check Eshadowed at: